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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 851 - 855 of 2116

Sustainable development education for children and the youth


enO Programme Association together with 4H Tanzania will implement a project for improving environmental awareness in the Iringa Njombe Morogoro and Ruvuma areas in Tanzania. The proposed project will raise awareness of sustainable development issues in sc hools and communities and create a road map for schools to be used around the world for planning and implementing such activities in the communities. The schools are encouraged to adopt the issues in formulating and designing their curricula content to cre ate a wider understanding of sustainable development. Tanzania is rich in natural resources but the rapid population growth and an increased need for living space and agricultural land as well as industrial activities have contributed to increase the count ry?s deforestation. Approximately 450 000ha of forest land is deforested in Tanzania annually. Deforestation is one of the contributors to for example climate change soil erosion biodiversity loss and loss of fertility in farms. Tanzania has identified tha t the lack of human capacity is hindering development. Therefore actions to address the capacity issue as well as understanding of natural resources have been identified crucial. The project aims at educating the children and youth on environmental awarene ss and sustainable development for them to understand the effects of forests and deforestation to the environment. The overall goal is to raise an environmentally conscious generation which will consider sustainable development issues in their everyday act ivities automatically whether it is in their personal life or working life. A road map for schools around the world will be designed and published. The road map can be used for introducing sustainable development and environmental issues to the public auth orities to encourage them in including them in the school curricula and extra-curricula activities. Case studies of successful sustainable development inclusions will also be presented.

Inuka Kenya - Ni Sisi! Movement Building


The proposal is based upon the first phase project ?Ni Sisi Kenya Campaign?: Integrated Communication Platform Component. In the first phase the Inuka (Rise Up!) leadership campaign mobilized and engaged a vast number of Kenyans in leadership. Utilizing a diverse array of platforms the campaign reached more than 3000000 people. Ni Sisi! (It is us! - self-belief) mobilized youth through the Peace Through Prosperity Program. The project made contact with a large number of youth within Nairobi. Over 1000 groups learnt about Ni Sisi! (It is us). The sauti yetu! (Our voice!) program provided tools for communities to engage with potential leaders. The ?Swing Vote Campaign? aimed at middle class in urban centers in Kenya was run through targeted outreaches to associations radio appearances and through digital platforms. Through the digital platform more than 30000 people were engaged and still follow the site and the FB accounts. The implementation of the new constitution continues to face challenges mainly in i) interpretation of the constitution ii) cooperation of existing bureaucracies iii) litigation challenges and iv) political challenges. There are interests that seek to retain the status quo reverse the gains or manipulate content direction and pace of re form or implementation. A number of vital more overarching reforms addressing systematic and structural conflict drivers ? a culture of impunity high unemployment land reform resettlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) ethnic tensions weak institut ions and regional and socio-economic inequality ? are yet to be implemented.Inuka Kenya Ni SiSi! activities are embedded and are geared towards the realization of the Ni SiSi! Social Movement. To achieve this the overall programs are in line with some of the key national issues, Land economic development security corruption and leadership. To realize its potential Ni SiSi will operate under 4 program pillars:i) Transformational Social and Civic Engagement ? initiatives geared towards taking charge of the p ublic space currently dominated by political classii) Creation of collective Kenyan Identity ? activities aimed at galvanishing shared experiences hardship and diversityiii) Leadership Development ? initiative aimed at growing and recognizing local leaders hip shall be establishediv) Improved livelihood ? initiatives set out to achieve socio-economic growth and equality among all Kenyans

Sustainable development education for children and the youth


enO Programme Association together with 4H Tanzania will implement a project for improving environmental awareness in the Iringa Njombe Morogoro and Ruvuma areas in Tanzania. The proposed project will raise awareness of sustainable development issues in sc hools and communities and create a road map for schools to be used around the world for planning and implementing such activities in the communities. The schools are encouraged to adopt the issues in formulating and designing their curricula content to cre ate a wider understanding of sustainable development. Tanzania is rich in natural resources but the rapid population growth and an increased need for living space and agricultural land as well as industrial activities have contributed to increase the count ry?s deforestation. Approximately 450 000ha of forest land is deforested in Tanzania annually. Deforestation is one of the contributors to for example climate change soil erosion biodiversity loss and loss of fertility in farms. Tanzania has identified tha t the lack of human capacity is hindering development. Therefore actions to address the capacity issue as well as understanding of natural resources have been identified crucial. The project aims at educating the children and youth on environmental awarene ss and sustainable development for them to understand the effects of forests and deforestation to the environment. The overall goal is to raise an environmentally conscious generation which will consider sustainable development issues in their everyday act ivities automatically whether it is in their personal life or working life. A road map for schools around the world will be designed and published. The road map can be used for introducing sustainable development and environmental issues to the public auth orities to encourage them in including them in the school curricula and extra-curricula activities. Case studies of successful sustainable development inclusions will also be presented.

Securing land rights and promoting agroecology and food sovereignty of smallholder and quilombola communities


Unterstützung von kleinbäuerlichen Gemeinden bei der Verwirklichung von Agrarökologie, Ernährungssicherheit und Landrechten in Brasilien


Die Zielregion ist durch die Versalzung von Anbauflächen, die Verunreinigung und Austrocknung von Wasserquellen sowie beschleunigte Wüstenbildungsprozesse bedroht. Kleinbäuerliche wie Quilombola-Gemeinden sind Bedrohungen von Großgrundbesitzer*innen ausgesetzt, die Besitzansprüche auf deren Gebiete erheben. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Rechte von Kleinbauernfamilien und Quilombola-Gemeinden zu stärken und angepasste Anbaumethoden durch horizontales Lernen und die Wiederaufwertung des in kleinbäuerlichen und Quilombola-Gemeinden vorhandenen traditionellen Wissens zu stärken.

SPIRAL: Building Sustainable Partnerships for the Implementation of Responsible Investments in Agricultural La


WHH has teamed up with a private sector partner to implement a responsible model for large-scale agri-investments in land which benefits smallholders, rural host communities, land owners and investors alike. The model is called the Cocoa Production Cluster (CPC). A CPC is a plantation of 100 hectares which consists of several adjacent management units of at least 10 hectares. Typically, a CPC is established on private land which has been leased for 30 years. In contrary to other large-scale lease arrangements the lease is acquired in a fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, and inclusive process. The company will sell the cocoa produced on the CPC to international buyers and share the revenue with farmers and land owners. This model has clear advantages for all stakeholders: The company secures its supply of cocoa, the land owners get a fair share of the generated revenue on top of their lease, and the farmers obtain land tenure rights while earning a fair income from their cocoa.


The adoption of the CPC-model's core economic, social and environmental (governance) standards by investors, communities, government and other stakeholders results in a more inclusive growth of the agri-business sector, reduced poverty and fewer land-use conflicts in Sierra Leone.

Target Groups

The SPIRAL-Project reaches between 600 and 900 direct Beneficiaries. These Beneficiaries are selected community members who are being supported in securing long-term tenure rights to a cocoa production area (the Small-Scale Farming Division or “SSFD”) and benefit from the implementation of an innovative agricultural investment-model in land (the Cocoa Production Cluster or “CPC”) which provides work and income.