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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 681 - 685 of 2116

Improved Access to Land & Livelihood Entitlements of the marginalised tribal community in Madhya Pradesh


The Tribes of Target district live in the primitive stage and far away from the mainstream of the development. Mostly , they live in the forests and are fully dependent on the forest products , herbs , wood etc for their livelihood. There are more 89 tribal blocks in MP which are under  PESA. forest villages that are home not only to tribal populations but also other traditional forest dwelling communities, Not only Adivasis, but also about 18% of other rural population is dependent upon forest resources for their livelihood. The minority status of Sahariya and other tribes as well as Dalits deprive them from getting their due land and common property rights. Most of them have no  land so  they loss their  identity and ownership of land they reside. Not only this leads to lack of identity but also creates food insecurity as there is no recognition by the Government as the residents of these  Focused  district. They are deprived of getting Jobs under MGNREGA, OPS benefits, AAY, PDS, Widow pension, Disable pension, Nutrition support to Saharia women @1000, Ladly laxmi yojana , INSIMP  which comes under the social security schemes. Socio economic status of these area  is very vulnerable. Their livelihood mainly depends on Forest and Agriculture  activity. As they belongs to remote area of the block they don’t have awareness and accessibility of deferent government services and Schemes. The lack of awareness on the Social Security Schemes by the right holders has ultimately made them vulnerable towards food insecurity and lack of livelihood options.  Unaware about the government schemes force them to live in poverty while there are number of government schemes that they can grow after the access. ·     The proposed project seeks to address the issue of land ownership among poor and Marginalized smallholder community  in proposed  Districts. Due to lack of  information/awareness on the claims process the  target group  are not fill application for IFR .. This project is proposing to influence marginalized  Community,  CSOs, local leaders in these  district to address the issues of land rights. a) capacitate women to be part of the decision making process b) linking vulnerable community with social welfare schemes c)to improve income generation d) strengthening of local self governance e) strengthening of natural resource base f) access and development of common property resource and g) exploring new livelihood options for the community are some of the proposed interventions of this project.

Mozambique Land Action (MOLA)


To build on previous DFID-supported programming on promoting land tenure security for Mozambicans, so that investors, State and communities can share the benefits of Mozambique’s natural resources. The programme has a dual focus on: i) improving economic resilience of rural based livelihoods and ii) increasing public demand for better land administration at local level.

F.a: Cooperation for Adivasi livelihood rights by facilitating FRA-CFR process, post CFR management and docume


The Project will be implemented in a period of 18 months starting from April 2018 with focusing its activities on NAA East Zone Cooperation and advocacy for indigenous community socio cultural rights and forest based sustainable livelihood in collaboration with the following NAA East Zone partners: Adivasi Samta Manch, DISHA, Parivartan (Chhattisgarh), Paribartan (Odisha), Natya Chetana, Devote Trust, and DHARITRI. The main focus will be given on the follow-up of implementation of CFR (Community Forest Righ ts/Resources) under FRA (Forest Rights Act) till all the villages have got their community forest rights over Community Forest Resources including rights over the shifting cultivation area where Kutia, Baiga and other primitive Adivasis are practicing sin ce long time. Zonal initiative will ensure the CFR area with community forest boundary is properly identified and accepted by the community. It will ensure that 50 operational village of four States community has developed their CFR management and converge nce action plan. It will also develop Bio-protocol document of 50 villages in four States. NAA East Zone member organisations will give more priority on the capacity building of 800 community leaders (directly) and indirectly 10000 leaders including women, youth and traditional leaders for the sustenance of the program. Apart from these, it will also give importance on the Exchange dialogue process among Adivasi of NAA East Zone to find some solutions to their issues and challenges including strengthening t he socio-cultural and economic situation. Along with this, project will focus on the establishment of good relationship among the different Adibasis communities of other areas and mutual learning of good traditional practices for their better life and live lihood. It will also organise a Cultural Campaign for Advocating and supporting rights on forest, land and water and managing FRA-CFR in three States (Odisha and Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand) of East Zone starting from Bhubaneswar (Odisha) and ending at Ranc hi (Jharkhand). It will also ensure the visibility of NAA and spreading message of NAA in three States, highlighting the issue through media advocacy during the campaign. It will also create space in the National level through AIFFRS network to advocacy o n the FRA-CFR and Forest Governance issue to get the solidarity from the other groups and to bring policy level changes on this issue.

Support to the Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) for implementation of Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenur


Improved governance of tenure land, fisheries and forests contributing to the eradication of hunger and poverty, to sustainable development and to the sustainable use of the environment. Progress made for the principles outlined in the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure to be mainstreamed among key institutions dealing with the tenure of land, fisheries and forests.

Legal advice for civil society organizations and social movements


Rechtsberatung für zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und soziale Bewegungen


In der Zielregion gibt es viele Landkonflikte. Ziel des Projektes ist die Befähigung von Gemeinschaften mit Landkonflikten, für ihre Rechte selbst einzutreten, damit das Territorium, auf dem sie leben und wirtschaften, ihnen auch formalrechtlich zugesprochen wird. Die begleiteten Gemeinden erhalten rechtliche Begleitung, Unterstützung bei Verhandlungen mit Behörden und im Prozessfall sowie Fortbildungen zu Laienjurist*innen.. Zielgruppe sind Führungspersönlichkeiten von Bewegungen, diözesanen Fachstellen für Sozialarbeit und Basisorganisationen.