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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 586 - 590 of 2116

Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project in Etiopia second phase (REILA II)


The intervention is the second phase of REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project) that supports the development of land administration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries (LDCs) according to the OECD's classif ication. All the land in Ethiopia is owned by the government but the farmers have traditional extensive user rights to their lands. Official registration of such lands increases further the tenure security. Increased land tenure security encourages farmer s to use their lands in a sustainable way and to make investments to raise the productivity of the lands. Official registration also reduces conflicts over land.The project will be implemented in 2017-2021.The long term impact of the project is to achieve improved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. The outcome is to have improved and appropriate land administration system for Ethiopia and improved land tenure security for ru ral land users. Expected outputs can be divided into three result areas: 1. Improved regional land administration and increased and certified land security for land users 2. Improved capacity of such civil servants in different levels of administration wh o manage and coordinate land administration and improved capacity of Ethiopian mapping agency to survey accurately and efficiently land and 3. Improved supply of skilled manpower to the land administration sector in Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculture manage s the implementation of the project in Ethiopia. Finland will also procure via open tendering a technical assistance team to support the project. Finland's support to the intervention is 7.1 million euros with the following annual division: 2017: 1.2 mil lion 2018: 1 million 2019: 1.5 million 2020: 1.9 million and 2021: 1.5 million.

Kiwengwa-Pongwe Protection + Open Civil Society Project - KIPPO


Forest degradation is a major challenge in Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (K-PFR) in Unguja island Zanzibar. This is due to increased pressure by densely populated surrounding villages; 96% of the people use firewood as their primal source of energy. The c ommunities' livelihoods depend on the sustainability of the forest and its capacity to prevent erosion. However the villagers' awareness and means of sustainable forest use and awareness of land rights are inadequate.A forest protection NGO MUMKI has been registered in the area with the support of previous GST's project. MUMKI and Forest Conservation Committees (FCC) that carry out forest conservation activities consist of residents of villages around Kiwengwa-Pongwe (K-P). MUMKI works with DFNR that does n ot have enough resources for wholesome forest protection and there are no other forest protection organizations in the area. Therefore KIPPO aims to build MUMKI's capacity to manage as an independent NGO that can effectively protect the forest during and a fter the project. The aim is to develop civil society where people can democratically decide on the matters concerning their immediate surroundings. Objectives will be achieved by organizing trainings for MUMKI on association management and fundraising sup porting in establishing an office and assisting in networking and village visits. A coordinator who acts as a link between Finland and Zanzibar will be hired.MUMKI's activities include organising FCC patrolling in the forest and raising awareness in the vi llages about the importance of forest protection. During the project MUMKI will become a better known actor in the area; it will work as a source of information in livelihoods land rights and sustainable forest use. MUMKI organizes forest protection activi ties; 7000 tree seedlings will be planted to create an agroforestry buffer zone to reduce pressure on K-P forest. The villages that are the source of most pressure to K-P will be beneficiaries for MUMKI's pilot project in which sun ray cookers are distribu ted in order to decrease the need of firewood. MUMKI's funding opportunities broaden as local honey production is supported.

LUKE INFORES Implementation of Forest Data in Tanzania


The project overall objective is ?Sustainable management and use of Tanzanian forests?. The project will contribute to this by increasing the availability of information on forests by working with three institutions of which two are research institutes (SU A TAFORI) and one is Tanzania Forest Service. In the long run this will improve the living conditions for the people of the country through strengthened national economy and quality of life. The project aims at supporting forest and land use policy in line with the National Forest Policy 2001. Forest land management forest-based industries and products and ecosystem conservation and management with institutions and human resources are included in NFP. The aim is sustainable supply of forest products and ser vices by maintaining sufficient forest area under effective management employment and foreign exchange earnings through sustainable forest-based industrial development and trade and ecosystem stability through conservation of forest biodiversity water catc hments and soil fertility.The results and activities of the INFORES-Tanzania project:1) Strengthened capacity of direct beneficiary organizations on NAFORMA maintenance and data dissemination and improved capacity on multisource forest data processing and GIS.2) Improved capacity of forest inventory and management oriented research in SUA and TAFORI.

Defending the land rights of smallholder families in the north of the state of Bahia, Brazil


Verteidigung der Landrechte von Kleinbauernfamilien im Norden des Bundesstaates Bahia, Brasilien


Die traditionelle kleinbäuerliche Lebensweise besteht in der gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung von Weideflächen. Großprojekte in den Bereichen bewässerte Landwirtschaft, Bergbau und Energie nehmen stark zu. Expansion von Monokulturen, Neuerschließung von Bodenschätzen und verstärkte Anstrengungen zur Energiegewinnung durch Wind- und Solarparks führen zu Landkonflikten und Vertreibung. Kleinbäuerliche Familien sichern ihre traditionelle Lebensweise, insbesondere ihre Landrechte u.a. durch Informations-, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Ausbildung von Führungspersonen, technische Studien, juristische Begleitung.

Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project in Etiopia second phase (REILA II)


The intervention is the second phase of REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project) that supports the development of land administration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries (LDCs) according to the OECD's classif ication. All the land in Ethiopia is owned by the government but the farmers have traditional extensive user rights to their lands. Official registration of such lands increases further the tenure security. Increased land tenure security encourages farmers to use their lands in a sustainable way and to make investments to raise the productivity of the lands. Official registration also reduces conflicts over land.The project will be implemented in 2017-2021.The long term impact of the project is to achieve i mproved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. The outcome is to have improved and appropriate land administration system for Ethiopia and improved land tenure security for rur al land users. Expected outputs can be divided into three result areas: 1. Improved regional land administration and increased and certified land security for land users 2. Improved capacity of such civil servants in different levels of administration who manage and coordinate land administration and improved capacity of Ethiopian mapping agency to survey accurately and efficiently land and 3. Improved supply of skilled manpower to the land administration sector in Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculture manages the implementation of the project in Ethiopia. Finland will also procure via open tendering a technical assistance team to support the project. Finland's support to the intervention is 7.1 million euros with the following annual division: 2017: 1.2 million 2018: 1 million 2019: 1.5 million 2020: 1.9 million and 2021: 1.5 million.