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Showing items 73378 through 73386 of 73616.Key points
Global availability of land ownership and land deals data is patchy, but, when available, it has been used by individual citizens, entrepreneurs, civil society, and journalists.
Le 21 mars 2019, s’est tenu à Niamey dans la salle de réunion de l’hôtel Sahel, un atelier de lancement du processus de formulation de la politique foncière rurale au Niger.
Evidence shows that women can benefit from having individualised land rights formalized in their names. However, similar evidence is not available for formalization of land rights that are based on collective tenure.
En 2018, Global Witness encontró que Guatemala experimentó el aumento más alto en el número de asesinatos de defensores de la tierra y el medio ambiente.
In 2018, Global Witness found that Guatemala had experienced the highest increase in the number of murders of land and environmental defenders of any country in the world.
A resource on why land matters to Illovo, their approach to address land rights, their focus on community land and main outputs.
This paper is one of three thematic case studies resulting from a set of pilot projects undertaken jointly by civil society and private business partners from 2016–2019 in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
There are different visions of what constitutes responsible land investment (RLI) and how to successfully implement it, but it is clear that legal compliance alone is not enough. This resource covers 7 Responsible Land Investment key lessons.
Rural women make up a quarter of the world’s population, but many face legal and social barriers that limit their ability to access, use and benefit from the land they tend and depend on for their livelihoods.
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