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Showing items 73144 through 73152 of 73616.Report highlighting how poor communities in Obuasi, Ghana are suffering environmental pollution and social problems apparently as a result of gold mining activity.
This paper looks at the water policy of Tanzania, and makes comparisons with the situation in Kenya. It focuses especially on recent attempts to move towards a participatory, demand-management approach to rural water supply.
This paper discusses the problem of non-violent conflicts and disputes as a constraint to sustainable natural resource management at the community level.The article finds that:third-party mediation should only be tried if viable customary approaches to conflict management have demonstrably failed
As geographical areas subjected to rapid urbanisation and constantly changing land use, peri-urban sites offer women and men greater economic opportunities.At the sametime,peri-urbanresidents are also drawn away from traditionalmeans of livelihood.As the city encroaches into prime agricultural l
This report cautions against an overly rigid approach to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which it argues could limit development options for poor countries, particularly in how they are able to manage critical water resources.
Launched in September 2002, EITI brings together representatives from governments, oil, gas, and mining companies, and civil society to address the paradox that has come to be known as the "resource curse" in which two-thirds of the world’s poorest people inhabit countries rich in natural resourc
This report examines the benefits that a resource-rich country can derive from endorsing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and implementing its Principles. It also searches for courses of action that the EITI Board can pursue to persuade more countries to endorse EITI.
This study assesses the impact of the Pastoralist Community Harmonization Initiative (PCHI) on animal health and conflict resolution, while proposing synergies them.
This paper constitutes the second and final part of the livestock marketing status audit carried out in Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan.
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