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Showing items 69967 through 69975 of 73627.This Act continues the Samoa Trust Estates Corporation.
This Act provides for the recognition of Samoans and the registration of persons declared by the Court to be Samoans.
This Act concerns limitations applying to legal action such as actions of contract and tort; actions to recover land, registered title and rent; actions to recover money secured by a mortgage or charge or to recover proceeds of the sale of land; actions in respect of trust property or the persona
L’article 1er établit que l’aménagement du territoire organise le territoire national et en assure le développement en respectant les particularités et les ressources propres des diverses régions qui le composent.
This Act provides for spatial development of Tonga and in particular, among other things, provides for the fair, orderly, economic and sustainable use, development and management of land including the protection of natural and man-made resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and gen
En virtud de la presente Ley se prorrogan hasta el 23 de noviembre de 2017 los plazos establecidos en los artículos 1°, 2° y 3° de la Ley Nº 26.160, por la que se declaró la emergencia en materia de posesión y propiedad de las tierras que tradicionalmente ocupan las comunidades indígenas originar
El presente Decreto Supremo reglamenta los procedimientos especiales de saneamiento físico-legal y las reglas para la inscripción de transferencias y modificaciones físicas de predios sujetos a trato directo o expropiación, a fin de determinar con precisión las áreas físicas afectadas, así como l
This Act amends the Land Act (Cap. 132) in sections 30, 37, 38, 40 and 41 by repealing "convicted of an indictable offence" and replacing those words with "convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to imprisonment for more than two years".
The present Law is applicable to expropriation of general property proceedings and related compensation payments in so far as the federal legislation is not applicable.
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