Resource information
The purpose of this Act, consisting of 235 sections, divided into three Parts and completed by six Schedules, is: to record the acknowledgements and apology given by the Crown to Te Rarawa in the deed of settlement; and to give effect to certain provisions of the deed of settlement that settles the historical claims of Te Rarawa. Part 1 sets out a summary of the historical account, and records the text of the acknowledgements and apology given by the Crown to Te Rarawa, as recorded in the deed of settlement; defines terms used in this Act, including key terms such as Te Rarawa and historical claims; provides that the settlement of the historical claims is final; provides for: the effect of the settlement of the historical claims on the jurisdiction of a court, tribunal, or other judicial body in respect of the historical claims; a consequential amendment to the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975; the effect of the settlement on certain memorials; the exclusion of the law against perpetuities; and access to the deed of settlement.Part 2 provides for cultural redress, including: in subpart 1, cultural redress requiring vesting in the trustees of the fee simple estate in certain cultural redress properties; cultural redress that does not involve the vesting of land, namely: in subpart 2, provisions for the management of Te Oneroa-aTohe / Ninety Mile Beach in relation to the Te Oneroa-a-Tohe management area by the establishment of a Board, the appointment of hearing commissioners, and a requirement for a Beach management plan; in subpart 3, the korowai redress under which the Crown and Te Hiku o Te Ika iwi enter into co-governance arrangements over conservation land in the korowai area.Part 3 provides for commercial redress, including: in subpart 1, the transfer of commercial redress and deferred selection properties; in subpart 2, the licensed land redress; in subpart 3, the provision of access to protected sites; in subpart 4, the right of first refusal (RFR) redress. The 6 Schedules define the following matters: Lists the hapū of Te Rarawa (I): describes the cultural redress properties (II); describes Te Oneroa-a-Tohe redress (III); describes the korowai (IV); describes the statutory areas to which the statutory acknowledgement relates (V); sets out provisions that apply to notices given in relation to RFR land (VI).