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Library Underground Data Transmission Ordinance.

Underground Data Transmission Ordinance.

Underground Data Transmission Ordinance.
Verordnung über die Übermittlung von Daten zu Gefährdungspotenzialen des Untergrundes an öffentliche Stellen (Untergrund-Datenübermittlungsverordnung NRW – UntergrundDÜVO NRW).

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The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the transmission of data on potential risk of the underground in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Article 2 establishes that for the purpose of the present Regulation potential risks of the underground are geological conditions and mining-related changes of the sub-soil which can lead to damage-causing events on the surface and represent a possible risk to human health, the environment and property in general. The text consists of 5 articles as follows: Sphere of application (1); Definition of terms (2); Automated data transmission (3); Purpose of data transmission (4); Entry into force, expiry (5).

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Elfriede DeFranchis (CONSLEGB)

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