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This Law, consisting of 8 articles, creates the State Council protecting rights of Indigenous People (COPIBA) within the State of Bahia. It establishes competencies, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Council, entitled to: propose baselines for the State Policy on Indigenous Peoples’ Protection and for the State Plan for Indigenous peoples within the State of Bahia; to propose projects aiming at the implementation of the State Policy on Indigenous Peoples’ Protection, and of activities related to the fields of health, education, culture, water sanitation, agriculture, etc.; to articulate mediating actions, aiming at solving any existing social solutions; to propose projects involving technical capacity building of extensionists; to accompany legal and administrative proceedings related to indigenous peoples’ land demarcations and regularization; maintain the interchange cooperation with public or private entities and institutions, national or international, aiming at recognition, protection, promotion and dissemination of cultures and rights of indigenous peoples, etc.