An Act to amend 2 CMC S4333(a)(4) as amended by section 2 (b) of Public Law 6-6 and for other purposes (P.L. 7-24).
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This Act prescribes that an applicant for a village lot or his or her spouse must not own or have any interest in any village lot or have been a recipient of a village homestead lot.However, any applicant who has met all the above requirements and who had been a recipient of a village homestead lot may be eligible to receive a village homestead lot if he or she has been divested of a village homestead lot by a Court decree pursuant to a divorce proceeding which awarded that village homestead lot to either the children or the applicant's former spouse.
Amends: An Act to amend 2 CMC S4333(e) regarding priority for the issuance of a permit for a village homestead lot (P.L. 6-6). (1988-07-12)