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This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: “Fazenda Boa Sorte” in the Municipality of Aimorés, Minas Gerais State; “Fazenda Santa Olga”in the Municiaplity of Nova Andradina, Mato Grosso do Sul State; “Fazenda Fazendinha”Municipality of Chapadão do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul State; “Fazenda Vale do Moju” in the Municipality of Moju, in Pará State; “Fazenda Belo Horizonte ou Nova União - Parte I”, in the Municipality of Tucuruí, Pará State; “Fazenda Vale do Arataú”, in the Municipality of Novo Repartimento, Pará State; “Fazenda Entre Rios”, in the Municipality of Redenção, Pará State; “Fazenda Guararape”in the Municipalities of Baião, Tucuruí and Pacajá in Pará State; “Fazenda Ponta Grossa”in the Municipalities of Gararu and Itabi, Sergipe State.The Decree establishes the competence of the National Institute for the Agriculture Reform (INCRA) to promote and supervise the expropriation of the aforementioned rural lands.
Implements: Act No. 8.629 regulating rural land property in compliance with the Agrarian Reform. (2017-07-11)