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Décret n° 2012-006-PR du 07-03-2012 portant organisation des départements ministériels.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Africa

Le présent décret définit l'organisation des départements ministériels et détermine les institutions et organismes qui leur sont rattachés.Ce sont notamment, entre autres, le Ministère de la santé; le Ministère de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hydraulique villageoise; le Ministère de l'administration territoriale, de la décentralisation et des collectivités locales; le Ministère de l'agric

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of North ...

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

The authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have agreed on the following: 1)The relations between State Bodies of the Russian Federation and State Bodies of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of

Uganda National Land Policy.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Eastern Africa

The Uganda National Land Policy is a national policy of the Republic of Uganda whose main goal is to ensure an efficient, equitable and optimal utilization and management of Uganda’s land resources for poverty reduction, wealth creation and overall socio-economic development.To this end, the document provides for a set of goals, including in the area of environment.

Environmental Act (No. 119 of 2017).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

The Act aims to establish a framework for the protection of surface and groundwater and for planning within the international nature protection areas. The Minister of Environment and Food shall regulate provisions for the international water districts and for each of them, there must be a water level.

Regulation on the incineration of waste.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 27 articles and one Annex, establishes measures, prohibitions and other conditions for co-firing and waste incineration and the conditions and measures of operational co-incineration of waste and incineration of waste.

Ministerial Decree No. 847 validating Federal specific program “Protection of Baikal lake and socio-economic development of Transbaikal ecosystem for the period of 2012-2020”.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes that the scope of the Federal program shall be protection of Baikal lake and Baikal ecosystem against negative impact of anthropogenic, technogenic and natural factors.

Resolución Nº 13/08 - Criterios, regulaciones y requisitos ambientales obligatorios para desarrollos habitacionales.

LandLibrary Resource
Central America

La presente Resolución establece los riterios, regulaciones y requisitos ambientales obligatorios para desarrollos habitacionales comprendidos en proyectos de urbanización, construcción de viviendas en espacios urbanos, rurales, costeros y zonas ecológicamente frágiles.

Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Au Cameroun 2007.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Middle Africa

Confronté à la fois aux insuffisances du cadre institutionnel et réglementaire du secteur de l’eau; et aux contraintes liées à la gestion durable des sols; et à la maîtrise et à la gestion durable des eaux, le Cameroun a élaboré, en 2007, le Document de Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral.Cette stratégie constitue un cadre d’harmonisatio