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Resolución Nº 330/15/VIVIENDA - Modifica los Reglamentos Operativos para acceder al Bono Familiar Habitacional (BFH) para las modalidades de aplicación de construcción en sitio propio y mejoramiento de vivienda, y para las modalidades de aplicación de ...

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Resolución modifica el Reglamento Operativo para el acceso al Bono Familiar Habitacional (BFH), en las modalidades de aplicación de construcción en sitio propio y mejoramiento de vivienda en el ámbito urbano, y en las modalidades de aplicación de adquisición de vivienda nueva y construcción en sitio propio, respecto a la constitución de beneficiarios de atención extraordinaria, que

Town and Country Planning (Regional Strategy) (England) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 601 of 2010).

LandLibrary Resource
United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations set out requirements in relation to revision of the regional strategy by the responsible regional authorities. They provide for, among other things, community involvement, drawing of project plans and monitoring. Some provisions concern the New Forest National Park.

Implements: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (1990 Chapter 8). (1990-05-24)

Medium Term Development Program of the Kyrgyz Republic.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Central Asia

The Medium Term Development Program is a multi-sectoral national Program of the Kyrgyz Republic covering the period of 2012-2014. The main goal of the Program is to increase living standard of the population and poverty alleviation based on economic growth, improvement of business environment and development of the efficient governance system.

Resolución Nº 620 - Procedimientos para los avalúos ordenados dentro del marco de la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Resolución establece los procedimientos para los avalúos ordenados dentro del marco de la Ley que aprueba las Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes, con el objeto de tener procedimientos unificados, claros y actualizados para que las personas que se encarguen de realizar los avalúos especiales puedan contar con un marco único para su ejecu

Order No. 222 of the Ministry of Economic Development validating the Instruction on cadastre valuation of land of the newly formed plots and existing plots of land in case of change of land category, type of the authorized land management or specificat...

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Order establishes that the Instruction shall be applicable to: (a) formation of new plot of land; (b) change of land area or of the boundaries of the plot of land; (c) change of the type of authorized land management; and (d) transfer of a plot of land from one category to another.

Coast Protection Act, 1949 (Cap. 74).

LandLibrary Resource
United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act provides for measures against erosion and encroachment of the coast of Great Britain by the sea. Part I of this Act provides for the protection of the coast. In sections 1 to 3 it provides for the administration relative to coast protection. It appoints the council of each maritime county, borough or county district as coast protection authority for its territory.

Strategic Plan for Environment and Development.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Southern Europe

This document lays down the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development (SPED), which was adopted by Malta following the introduction of Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning. The SPED provides the spatial framework that supports the development of an integrated maritime policy at a national level.

Decree-Law No. 151/95 establishing the requirements for land use planning approval.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Decree-Law establishes the requirements for land use planning approval. It consists of 16 articles and 1 Annex specifying the requirements to be satisfied by ordinary, municipal, regional and special land use plans under the supervision of the Ministry of Land Administration.

Plan d’Action National pour la Lutte Contre la Désertification aux Comores PAN/LCD.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Eastern Africa

L’Union des Comores a élaboré le présent Plan d’Action National de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAN), afin de se conformer au Plan-cadre décennal stratégique 2008-2018 qui a reformé la Convention des Nations Unies sur la Lutte contre la Désertification (CLD).

Ninth Development Plan 2007-2013.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Western Asia

The Ninth Development Plan is a national plan with a sectoral approach covering the period 2007–2013. The main objectives of the Plan are: a) increasing competitiveness, b) increasing employment, c) strengthening human development and social solidarity, d) ensuring regional development, e) increasing quality and effectiveness in public services.

Agreement of 1996 between the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Krasnodar Territory.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

Authorised representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Krasnodar Territory have agreed on the following: 1). The State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Krasnodar Territory jointly are authorized to: a).