Loi nº 2000-1208 relative à la solidarité et au renouvellement urbains.
Cette loi établit les dispositions générales communes aux schémas de cohérence territoriale, aux plans locaux d'urbanisme et aux cartes communales.
Cette loi établit les dispositions générales communes aux schémas de cohérence territoriale, aux plans locaux d'urbanisme et aux cartes communales.
The purpose of this Act is to determine in detail the transfer of ownership of state owned assets to local government, and so to ensure the necessary assets to the functioning of the latter.
This Decree-Law establishes the territorial management regime. It consists of 8 chapters establishing the bases for the territorial management and for urban planning, defining the regime for the coordination of national, regional and municipal activity with the general regime for land use planning.
La présente loi régit le contrôle de qualité des sols, des matériaux de construction et des études géotechniques.
This Act provides for various matters relating to wildlife and forestry including: functions of the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, acquisition of land and rights, natural heritage areas, nature reserves and refuges, protection of flora, wild birds and wild animals, and regulation and control of wildlife dealing.
El presente Ley tiene como finalidad el establecimiento de un régimen jurídico especial de protección para aquellos espacios naturales que contengan destacados valores ecológicos, paisajísticos, científicos, culturales o educativos, o que sean representativos de los ecosistemas aragoneses, en orden a la conservación de la biodiversidad, y la promoción del desarrollo sostenible de los Espacios N
La presente Ley tiene como objetivos: a) promover el desarrollo integral de la mujer y su participación en todos los niveles de la vida económica, política y social de Guatemala; b) promover el desarrollo de los derechos fundamentales que con relación a la dignificación y promoción de la mujer, se encuentran establecidos en la Constitución Política de la República, las convenciones internaciona
This Regional Legislative Decree approves the Touristic Plan of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This Plan consists of 3 chapters 2 annexes and 4 maps of the archipelago.
The council of a county may investigate, where they consider it expedient to do so, any proposals for coast protection works within the county under section 2.
Article 6 of Law No. 8505 specifies that "outside urbanized territories construction is allowed only when new facility has been included in a regional study and master plans approved by appropriate institution.
This Act amends the Public Purpose Definition Act so as to provide for the ratification of expenditures made for public purposes.A new provision is added to the Act: “Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or other Law to the contrary, expenditures authorized and regulated by legislative rules are expressly declared to be for a public purpose, unless proved by clear and convincing evid
This Act places restrictions on the mining of sand on beaches in order to protect the natural environment and the coastal zone and to prevent its deterioration and destruction.The Act prohibits the excavation or removal of sand from a prohibited area, i.e. presumably an area other than an Authorized Area.