Root causes of land use change in the Loitokitok Area, Kajiado District, Kenya
Soil fertility under native cerrado and pasture in the Brazilian savanna
In the Brazilian savanna, there is a risk that soil fertility of pastures declines to a level below that of the native savanna because of low fertilizer application. To evaluate biophysical pasture sustainability we compared regularly fertilized productive pasture (PP), degraded pasture fertilized 13 yr previously (DP), and native savanna (Cerrado, CE) in an on-farm experiment.
Sustainable breeding programmes for tropical farming systems
The dynamics of land use changes and their impacts on the wildlife corridor between Mt. Kilimanjaro and Amboseli National Parks
The impact and poverty reduction implications of foot and mouth disease control in southern Africa, with special reference to Zimbabwe
The role of personal information sources on the decision-making process of Costa Rican dairy farmers
The attitudes of farmers in relation to the importance of different people as information and opinion sources (InfS) for different phases of the decision-making process were studied in 91 Costa Rican dairy farmers.
Zimbabwe?s dryland research station
A crops specialist and a livestock specialist from the Matopos research station describe technologies being developed to support smallholder farmers experiencing drought
Cyber shepherd at work in the Sahel
Library has French version: TIC au secours des éleveurs du Sahel
Land tenure reform and the drylands
The paper focuses on the need to rethink conventional wisdom on land tenure approaches and asks how we can best respond to the land tenure problems. It provides a comparative overview of land tenure systems in the drylands, identifies challenges and trends in land tenure reform projects, and offers ideas for decision-makers
Poverty and Changing Livelihoods of Migrant Maasai Pastoralists in Morogoro and Kilosa Districts, Tanzania
This study documents the plight of the Maasai pastoralists who have moved to Morogoro and Kilosa districts as a result of the recent socio-economic developments and environmental changes in Maasailand. The objective of this study was to analyse how the Maasai migrants have adapted themselves to the new ecological conditions and the impact of such adaptations on their livelihoods.