Requirements for Dryland Systems Phase 2
Resilience and sustainable development: Insights from the drylands of eastern Africa
Shifting the Goal Post - From High Impact Journals to High Impact Data
Simulation of small ruminant system productivity in the humid tropics of southwestern Nigeria
Spatial analysis for investment targeting: Pilot tool
Spotting East African mammals in open savannah from Space
Knowledge of population dynamics is essential for managing and conserving wildlife. Traditional methods of counting wild animals such as aerial survey or ground counts not only disturb animals, but also can be labour intensive and costly. New, commercially available very high-resolution satellite images offer great potential for accurate estimates of animal abundance over large open areas.
Strategic Research - Gender Workshop
Strategic Topics - Gender
Sustainable Agriculture Land Management Practices for Climate Change Mitigation: A training guide for smallholder farmers
The manual was created specifically for use in the Western Kenya Smallholder Agricultural Carbon project, managed by the Swedish NGO Vi Agroforestry, which is the test case for the first Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) methodology for generating carbon credits by building organic matter in agricultural soils.
Sustainable use and conservation of Vitex doniana Sweet: unlocking the propagation ability using stem cuttings
One of the major constraints for domesticating widely used wild tree resources by local communities is the lack of adequate propagation techniques. In the case of Vitex doniana, seed propagation has usually been reported difficult and vegetative regeneration is rarely explored.