Effects of holistic grazing management on soil physico-chemical properties and herbaceous vegetation production in Naibunga Conservancy, Laikipia County, Kenya
This study evaluated the effects of holistic grazing management (HGM) on biomass production and soil properties under holistic and non-holistic grazing sites. The study was conducted in two Group Ranches namely, Koija and Il Motiok in Naibunga Conservancy, Laikipia County, Kenya.
Geografías del pastoreo : Territorios, movilidades y espacio doméstico en Susques (provincia de Jujuy)
En esta tesis nos ocuparemos de abordar la espacialidad construida en relación con la dinámica del pastoreo extensivo de rebaños mixtos de llamas, cabras y ovejas en las tierras altas de los Andes Meridionales, a partir del caso de Susques, una localidad ubicada en la Puna de Atacama, dentro de la provincia de Jujuy.
The BecA-ILRI Hub in Kenya
Improving a Transhumance Livestock System of India with Modern Technologies
Traditional livestock rearing systems in grasslands evolved in response to social, climatic, vegetative and technological conditions that existed scores, hundreds, or in some cases thousands of years ago.
The role of livestock in achieving the SDGs
Climate Smart Agriculture in the African Context
Agriculture remains vital to the economy of most African countries and its development
has significant implications for food security and poverty reduction in the region. Increase
in agricultural production over the past decades has mainly been due to land area expansion,
with very little change in production techniques and limited improvement in yields.
Livestock advocacy and communications: Tanzania scene
Better lives through livestock
Pastoralists have a unique relationship of mutual dependency with their livestock and their environment; the uniqueness of this relationship distinguishes them from other livestock keepers.
Systems Analysis for Rangeland Management Yabello, Ethiopia - November 5-6, 2015 - Workshop Report
The workshop, “System Analysis for Rangeland Management in Yabello”, involved multiple stakeholders analyzing the complex factors that affect rangeland condition and management, and considering implications for planning and decision-making around key issues.