Forest genetic resources
Managing forests as common property
This case study is one of a series of publications produced by the Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch of FAO in an effort to promote environmentally sound forest harvesting and engineering practices.
Economic and financial aspects of leasing state forest land
The Government of South Africa has a major holding of forest land, with a total estate covering 892,000 ha of forest and associated land. Within the state's forest holding there is a wide diversity of forest and land types including: commercial plantations and other afforested land; indigenous forests; legally protected (indigenous) forest areas; and associated bare land.
Projet national de semences forestières. Rapport de mission d'évaluation tripartite (GCP/SEN/039/NET)
Fao Expert Consultation on Policies for Animal Production and Natural Resource Management
The purpose of the expert consulation was to review of current policies that affect the management of livestock and natural resources, focussing on sub-regions and different agro-ecological settings and the identification of policy trade-off.
Country Report - Forestry Of Mongolia
A description of Mongolia's forest resource base, including the prevailing socioeconomic, biological and physical environment. The country's forest industries and main wood products are outlined and forest development plans and legislation are presented
Country Report - Thailand
An introduction to the status of forest resources and forestry industries in Thailand. Forest policies are outlined in the context of the prevailing social and economic environment.
Livestock and the Environment - International Conference
One of the greatest challenges faced by mankind is to satisfy the needs of the fast growing global population and at the same time preserve land, water, air and biodiversity resources. Livestock are a crucial element in this balancing process. Demand for livestock products is growing fast, especially in the developing world.
El suministro mundial de fibras
Este nmero de Unasylva se centra en el Estudio mundial sobre suministro de fibras y en las cuestiones que ha planteado e intentado resolver. Ante todo, se sita en el contexto preciso la cuestin del suministro de fibra en el futuro.
Número no temático
La mayor parte de los nmeros de Unasylva se centran en un tema concreto. El objetivo de esa orientacin temtica es examinar de forma pormenorizada un aspecto determinado de las actividades y el desarrollo forestales, con el fin de resaltar su significado e importancia dentro de los confines ms amplios de nuestro universo.