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Showing items 68509 through 68517 of 73567.The Act sets regulations concerning cadastral designation and registration. If a cadastral property is registered as a farming property, it will include added agricultural areas as well. The cadastral regulating authority is the Danish Geodata Agency.
The present Law lays down provisions relating to official land survey and land cadastre in the Free State of Saxony.
El presente Decreto Legislativo autoriza al Instituto de Conservación y Desarrollo Forestal de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre (ICF), para que responsa a las solicitudes de titulación de áreas comunales e intercomunales que presenten las organizaciones indígenas y afrodescendientes reconocidas
This Act provides for matters relative to deeds of arrangement related to debt.
La presente Ley tiene como objeto normar las actividades mineras y metalúrgicas.
This Act amends the Nauru Lands Committee Act 1956. The amendments are set out in the Schedule to this Act and concern, among other things: the power of the Committee to determine the distribution of the personal estate of deceased Nauruans.
This Act amends the Environment Act in section 2 (interpretation) by repealing the definitions of "Amendment Commencement Date"; "Authorisation Instrument"; and "Supplementary Approval" and by repealing sections 69A, 69B, 87A, 87B, 87C, 87D and 87E.
This Act establishes guidelines on surveying and mapping of cadastre through the Survey and Cadastre Authority. Survey and Cadastre Authority may, after consultation with other authorities, store and distribute related data.
These Regulations set out in the Schedule forms, which are prescribed for the purposes of the provisions of the Acquisition of Land in the Public Interest Act respectively specified in each such form.
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