Youth is often the time when a person starts to dream of the future, think of the path to take and boldly and aggressively set his/her life in motion. In many rural villages, to be a farmer is not part of this dreamt future . Farming is a lowly job and does not earn, so better migrate to cities or abroad where there may be more opportunities and adventure. What will then be the future of agriculture and food without young farmers? No farmer, no food. No food, no life.
In this issue paper, we will discuss why young people are not attracted to agriculture, what are the initiatives being taken to encourage the youth to be in agriculture, and what are the recommendations for the youth to stay in it. The discussions here is a consolidation of (a) the results of the national consultations and participatory researches conducted by AFA members in 9 countries involving around 660 rural youth on the issue “attracting the youth to agriculture” using the Farmers Advocacy Consultation Tool (FACT) developed by Agriterra; (b) the results of the regional consultation involving 30 men and 10 women representatives, from 17 national farmer organizations in 13 countries held last May 2014 and (c) desk research and literature review. AFA conducted these consultations during the celebration of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), since youth in agriculture is one of its IYFF priority issues.
Translations: Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Bangladesh | Japan | Kyrgyztan | Thailand | Taiwan | Vietnam | Cambodia | Nepal | Myanmar