Resource information
Spatial data is crucial for sustainable land management and environmental protection; therefore the development of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) ensures accessibility of information for decision-making. Many national organizations have begun to recognize the need to justify the large public investments they receive by improving access and encouraging a broader use of the information in their custody. The basic attributes of an SDI are well defined and agreed, yet the achievement of this ambitious concept is not easy, especially for developing countries that ironically need it most, for social and economic development. This report highlights the steps being taking with regards to policy, institutional arrangements and status of datasets in Lesotho to make spatial information easily available at affordable cost and to avoid unnecessary duplication by promoting the sharing of available data. Finally lacks of human and financial resources which are major constraints are also discussed. The report is mainly based on the experiences of the Department of Lands, Surveys and Physical Planning, which is a major player in the creation of SDI in Lesotho.