Resource information
In many Pacific island countries,
meeting non-food basic needs is a growing challenge and
further complicated by substantial economic and
environmental risks. Hardship and vulnerability are
increasingly prominent concerns in Pacific island countries,
but the knowledge base to guide policymaking is limited.
Family and community networks are central to life in most
Pacific island countries, providing critical support to
members in need and acting as safety nets when individuals
or households experience losses from shocks. The primary
objective of this report is to present solid empirical
evidence of hardship, vulnerability to shocks, and risk
management in the Pacific region. The report is primarily a
stocktaking exercise that brings together existing evidence
and new analysis of available data using a consistent
framework. The report takes a "micro" perspective
that of the individual and household but accounts for the
important role of communities, the state, and international
partners. This report focuses on risks, but accounts for the
role of opportunities when possible. While remaining
supportive of viable economic growth sectors, given the
limited means of most Pacific governments, expenditure
should be carefully focused on investments with high
expected economic returns and relatively low risks.
Development partners can play a role in financing these
investments and in sharing experiences on what works from
other parts of the world.