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In order to combat desertification, mitigating collateral impacts and decreasing the concomitant poverty and land degradation, the Government of Jordan, represented by the Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with other governmental and non-governmental institutions, prepared this sectoral document named Aligned National Action Plan (NAP) to Combat Desertification in Jordan 2015-2020, because it is aligned with the 5 Operational Objectives of the UNCCD ten-year Strategy. To reach the objective, at national level, are required integrated interventions in various sectors, including water, agriculture, energy, urban development and several others, identifying indicators for long-term and short-term monitoring of desertification. The Vision of the NAP is “Productive and sustainable use and management of land resources to support poverty reduction, environmental sustainability and national economy”. The 5 Operational Objectives to achieve this Vision are: 1) Advocacy, Awareness Raising and Education, to actively influence relevant national and local processes and actors to adequately address desertification/land degradation and drought related issues; 2) Policy Framework, to develop an enabling environment for solutions to combat desertification/land degradation and mitigate the effect of drought; 3) Science, Technology and Knowledge, to strengthen the collection and use of scientific evidence and knowledge on desertification and mitigation of the effects of drought; 4) Capacity Building, to prevent and reverse desertification/land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought and to enable sustainable land and ecosystem management; and 5) Financing and Technology Transfer, creating an integrated financial strategy to mobilize and improve coordination of national and external financial and technological resources.In order to intervene in food security issue, the NAP proposes a DLDD and SLM monitoring system, including local indicators and taking into consideration knowledge of vulnerable groups, youth and women, poverty and livelihood systems.To enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food system, the NAP aims at mobilizing a wider rangeland for stakeholders for more effective and participatory decision making through generating a wider awareness and sensitivity towards solutions for DLDD. It involves engaging affected communities and stakeholders in finding creative solutions that are good for people and good for the environment. Using gender-sensitive participatory methods for project management and policy development facilitates greater expression and consideration of both women’s and men’s voice.To increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters, the document aims at combating DLDD and promoting SLM solutions acting on different levels, namely educational, policy, scientific and technology, institutional and financial.Regarding the Institutional and Governance aspects, the NAP encourages an increasing capacity for inter-sectoral and cross-institutional coordination for more sustainable Ecosystem management together with a stronger capacity for education and professional training in SLM, DLDD monitoring, environmental economics.