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This Act amends various written laws including the Forest Act, 2002 (in respect of fines), the Veterinary Act, 2003 (in respect of qualifications for registration as a Veterinarian), Wildlife Conservation Act (in respect of fines for illegal activities regarding trophies), the Courts (Land Disputes Settlements) Act, 2002 (in respect of appeals) and the Probate and Administration of Estates Act (in respect of the definition "small estates").
Amends: Forest Act, 2002 (Act No. 7 of 2002). (2002-06-04)
Amends: Veterinary Act, 2003 (No. 16 of 2003). (2004-01-30)
Amends: Wildlife Conservation Act (No. 5 of 2009). (2009-03-12)
Amends: Courts (Land Disputes Settlements) Act, 2002 (Act No. 2 of 2002). (2002-03-28)
Amends: Probate and Administration of Estates Act (Cap. 352). (1987)