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This Order amends Part 1 of Schedule 8 to the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 as it applies to England. Section 64 of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 entitles the tenant of an agricultural holding, on termination of the tenancy and quitting of the holding, to compensation from the landlord for an improvement specified in Part 1 of Schedule 8 which the tenant has carried out on the holding. This Order inserts new paragraphs into Schedule 8 to provide for compensation to be paid for improvements resulting from the application to the land of soil improvers, digestate, manure and fertiliser (with no limitation as to how those substances were acquired); and for improvements resulting from manure which is held in storage and has arisen from the consumption of corn (produced on the holding or not) or other feedingstuff not produced on the holding by livestock and members of the horse family on the holding.
Amends: Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (1986 Cap 5). (1986-03-18)