Regional Law No. 301-OZ “On legal regulation of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage”.
ЗАКОН ЛИПЕЦКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ от 31 августа 2009 года N 301-ОЗ О правовом регулировании отношений в сфере сохранения, использования, популяризации и государственной охраны объектов культурного наследия (памятников истории и культуры) Липецкой области».
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This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage. Objects of cultural heritage shall be recorded in the Unified state register of the objects of cultural heritage. Classification of the objects of cultural heritage shall be performed in accordance with the conclusions of state historical and cultural expertise. Around areas of cultural and historical heritage shall be established protection boundaries. Movement of motor vehicles within areas of historical and cultural heritage can be restricted or prohibited.