Regional Law No. 1636-III “On transfer to natural and legal persons on condition of ownership of agricultural land plots”.
Закон Республики Бурятия от 11 мая 2006 г. N 1636-III "О предоставлении в собственность граждан и юридических лиц земельных участков или земельных долей из земель сельскохозяйственного назначения в Республике Бурятия" (с изменениями от 13 июля...
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This Regional Law establishes that in case of privatization of agricultural land due to reorganization, privatization or bankruptcy of agricultural the following categories shall have the right to allotment of land share of agricultural land free of charge: (a) workers of agricultural organizations and women on maternity leave; (b) citizens sacked by agricultural organizations dues to staff cuts after 1 January 1992; (c) retired staff of agricultural organizations; (d) disabled persons due to work in agricultural organizations; and (e) heirs of deceased workers of agricultural organizations that were not allotted agricultural organizations during in the course of their life.