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This Regulation sets forth technical and administrative procedures and principles to prevent soil contamination, locate the contaminated areas and sectors, and to monitor and clean the contaminated soil and sites in line with the sustainable development goals. The main principles of this Regulation are (i) soil pollution is preventable, (ii) storage and directly and indirectly use of any waste or residual to soil that is contrary to the standards and methods specified in the Environmental Law and the related legislation, is forbidden, (iii) contaminated soil cannot be mixed with clean soil, and (iv) measures are taken to prevent soil pollution by taking into consideration the possibility of accidents in the facilities where the dangerous substances are used, stored, produced, and the wastes are produced, disposed or recycled. Provincial administrations shall define areas and locations where soil contamination may occur and conduct analysis. Inventories or registers of contaminated sites represent an important tool for the effective management of soil contamination from local sources. Thereby information system will be developed. Management of potentially contaminated sites, abandoned contaminated sites and sites with unidentified pollution source aims at assessing the adverse effects and taking measures to satisfy environmental standards according to current legal requirements. A Monitoring and Evaluation Commission will be established to evaluate and approve risk assessment report as well as monitor the clearance of contaminated sites. In order to ensure soil quality, soil clearance and improvement will be carried out in accordance with standards and methods specified in the legislations regarding pollution control, waste management, air quality, water resources management and management of hazardous substances. The monitoring of the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation will be carried out according to the provisions of the Regulation on Environmental Audit. This Regulation sets forth provisions for offences and responsibilities with respect to polluter pays principle.
Implemented by: Notification on issuance of qualification certificates in accordance with the Regulation regarding point source land pollution and soil contamination control. (2011-06-17)
Implements: Environment Law No. 2872. (1983-08-11)
Implements: Law on the institution of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. (2003-05-08)
Implements: Decree Law No. 644 on the establishment and functions of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. (2011-06-29)
Repeals: Regulation on Soil Contamination. (2005-05-31)