Resource information
The present Law implements the Federal Soil Protection Act of 17 March 1998 (BGBl. I p. 502). In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to rehabilitation of polluted sites through: 1) prevention of harmful soil changes; 2) protection of soil against erosion and adverse effects on soil structure; 3) a sparing and careful use of land; 4) the remediation of harmful soil changes and contaminated sites and water pollution caused by this. The text consists of 22 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Soil information, data protection (II); Remediation of contaminated sites and harmful soil changes (III); Responsibilities, compensation, penalties (IV); Final provisions (V).
Implemented by: Ordinance on competences under the Hessen Polluted Sites and Soil Protection Law. (2011-05-02)
Implements: Federal Soil Protection Act. (2017-07-20)