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This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for land reclamation activity with the consideration of natural and climatic conditions, and also rights and duties of natural and legal persons ensuring efficient tenure and protection of reclaimed land. The scope of land reclamation shall be to ensure improvement of soil fertility and creation of condition for involvement agricultural production of unused and low-productive land. Land reclamation shall be classified as follows: (a) hydrotechnical amelioration; (b) agro-forestry; (c) land clearing; and (d) chemical amelioration. Land reclamation shall be carried out in accordance with the projects elaborated on the basis of technical and economic substantiation with the consideration of construction, ecological, sanitary and other standards, rules and regulations. Land plots subject to land reclamation shall be conceded and expropriated in accordance with land legislation.
Amended by: Regional Law No. 389 amending Regional Law No. 47 “On land reclamation”. (2014-12-26)