Resource information
This Law establishes an Electrical Inspectorate and an Electrical Board of Examiners and provides rules for the licensing of all categories of persons carrying out electrical work in the Cayman Islands. It also provides rules for the carrying out of such works and supervision and control by the Inspectorate. The Act also concerns the compulsory acquisition of land or wayleaves by licensees. The Governor may, upon the application in writing by a licensee and where it is in the interests of the public so to do, permit a licensee to acquire compulsorily any land required for any purpose connected with the carrying on of the activities which a licensee is authorized by contract to carry on. The procedure for the acquisition of land and for the payment of compensation for such land by a licensee is set out in the Schedule. Where land acquired under this Law is not needed anymore, the licensee may, with the consent of the Governor, sell, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of such land.