Law No.10345 dated 4.11.2010 amending and supplementing Law No.8093 dated 21.3.1996 on the water reserves, as amended.
Ligj Nr.10 345, datë 4.11.2010 për një ndryshim dhe shtesë në Ligjin Nr. 8093, datë 21.3.1996 "për rezervat ujore", të ndryshuar.
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The Law 10345 of 2010 amends Article 61 of Law 8093 of 1996 by increasing the financial penalties for violation of the Law and adds Article 71/1 on the rules of procedure to be followed by the National Urban Planning and Construction Inspectorate to document the law violations.
Amends: Law No. 8093 on water resources. (1996-03-21)