Implementing Land Survey and Land Cadastre Ordinance.
Verordnung zur Durchführung des Gesetzes über die Landesvermessung und das Liegenschaftskataster (DVOzVermKatG NRW).
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The present Ordinance implements the law on land survey and land cadastre of 1 March 2006. Article 1 establishes that the Land Survey Office is the competent authority. The present Ordinance consists of 29 articles divided in 7 Parts as follows: Competence and cooperation (1); Tasks and responsibilities (2); Provision and use of basic geodata (3); Real property survey (4); Discovery of property proceedings (5); Security, storage and archiving (6); Final provisions (7).
Implements: Nordrhein Westfalen Survey and Cadastre Law. (2014-04-01)
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