Act on purchasing cooperatives for small farmers in rural areas (No. 999 of 2010).
Bekendtgørelse af lov om indkøbsforeninger for mindre virksomheder i landdistrikterne
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The Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries may approve the statutes of purchasing pools for small businesses in rural areas. It shall lay down rules on supervisory performance and oversees that the associations utilize the given loans in accordance with this Act.
Implemented by: Order No. 669 on the Danish AgriFish Agency's duties and powers. (2012-06-25)
Implemented by: Order No. 309 on the Danish AgriFish Agency's duties and powers. (2013-03-20)
Implemented by: Order No. 559 on the Danish AgriFish Agency's duties and powers. (2014-05-28)
Implemented by: Order No. 512 on the Danish AgriFish Agency's duties and powers. (2015-04-23)
Implemented by: Order No. 829 on purchasing cooperatives for smaller farmers. (2005-08-29)