Order No. 213 of the Ministry of Justice validating the Regulation on the state registration of mortgage of immovable property.
МИНЮСТ РФ ПРИКАЗ 15 июня 2006 г. N 213 Зарегистрировано в Минюсте РФ 28 июня 2006 г. Регистрационный N 7974 "Об утверждении Инструкции о порядке государственной регистрации ипотеки объектов недвижимого имущества"
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This Order establishes common rules and procedures regarding the state registration of mortgage of immovable property, including plots of land. Mortgage can be established in accordance with contract on mortgage of the plots of land. Mortgage of the plots of land pertaining to the state or municipal property and of the plots of land with area less than minimum land area established by law shall be prohibited. Mortgage contract shall be concluded in writing and it shall enter into force after the official registration thereof. The original and a copy of cadastre plan of the plot of land shall be required for the state registration of mortgage contract of a plot of land.