Resource information
The present Law determines legal basis for setting up, functioning and liquidation of agricultural entrepreneurial activities (dehkan farms), regulates their rights and duties, and also relations with other legal and natural persons. The Law consists of 7 Chapters that contain 31 articles. Chapter 1 (arts. 1-6) lays down general provisions. Chapter 2 (arts. 7-11) regards allotment of land to dehkan farms, land ownership, land tenure and water use. Chapter 3 (arts. 12-14) establishes the rights and the duties of dehkan farm and its members. Chapter 4 (arts. 15-18) regards property of dehkan farm. Chapter 5 (arts. 19-26) establishes the bases of functioning of dehkan farm. Chapter 6 (arts. 27-28) regards liquidation (cessation of activity) of dehkan farm. Chapter 7 (arts. 29-31) lays down final provisions.
Amended by: Law No. ZRU-240 amending some laws. (2009-12-25)