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This Code regulates the relationship originating in connection with geological survey, the use and the protection of subsoil in the Republic of Belarus. This Code contains legal foundation of the all-round rational use and protection of subsoil, provides for safeguard of the interests of state and citizens of the Republic of Belarus as well as the rights of the users of subsoil. The document consists of XI Sections that contain 60 articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. Section II regards state regulation in the field of use and protection of subsoil. Section III deals with the use of subsoil. Section IV concerns the rational use and protection of subsoil. Section V regards state registration, state register of the use of subsoil and state expertise of the geological information. Section VI establishes charges for the use of subsoil. Section VII deals with security of exploitation of subsoil. Section VIII control and supervision over the use and protection of subsoil. Section IX establishes the liability for the infringement of subsoil legislation, compensation of damage and dispute settlement in the field of subsoil. Section X regards international agreements. Section XI lays down the conclusive provisions.
Implemented by: Ministerial Decree No. 2045 on some arrangements for implementation of Subsoil Code. (2008-12-30)