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The CCAFS Regional Program for Southeast Asia (CCAFS-SEA) organized a convergence meeting involving CGIAR CCAFS focal persons and selected partners on 11-13 December 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. About 24 participants from collaborating CGIAR Consortium Centers (Bioversity, CIAT, CIP, ICRISAT, IFPRI, IRRI, IWMI, World Agro-Forestry Center and WorldFish Center), CCAFS-SEA and selected partners participated in this undertaking. The main purpose of this activity was to establish the groundwork for collaborative work on climate change R4D among Centers in SEA. The meeting accomplished the following: (1) shared updates and progress of work on the different CCAFS funded or attributed projects in SEA and obtained insights of the climate change related work done by partners; (2) identified synergies and common interest and possible joint topics among Centers for the flagship projects call for CCAFS Theme 1-4 in 2014; (3) drafted a criteria in selecting climate smart villages (CSV) and an impact pathway for the region; and (4) discussed plans for a regional workshop to come up with a SEA regional strategy and plan in March 2014.