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The Third Annual CCAFS Science Workshop focused on consolidating research and fostering
collaboration across the CGIAR. Day?1 plenary presentations along four themes identified
issues including:
• Opportunities to deliver messages to UNFCCC through SBSTA;
• The challenges of communicating science;
• The multiple scales of climate variability, stakeholder engagement, and adaptation options;
• Whether adaptation and mitigation are synergistic or conflicting;
• Participation as an opportunity to give respect, voice and choice – without precluding the
impact of scientific knowledge.
Day?2 parallel sessions enabled knowledge sharing and planning around topics of strategic
interest to CCAFS. Opportunities for cross?Center follow?up actions include:
• Developing a community of practice and web portal around diversification and climate risk;
and projects that use household modeling to design diversification strategies;
• Development of a simple, rigorous, consistent protocol for GHG measurement in
smallholder agriculture.
• A workshop to address results of a scoping study and launch a community of practice on
modeling climate impacts on pests and diseases.
• Development of a proposal for CCAFS to catalyze new work on gender and Climate?Smart
Agriculture coordinated across centers and CRPs.
• Synthesis of knowledge about costs and benefits of Climate?Smart Agriculture practices; and
evidence about what triggers change among smallholder farmers.
• A Science magazine article on the concept of Climate?Smart Agriculture.