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This paper aims to propose a methodologyofanalysisthe sustainability of localproductivearrangements, which combines the traditional methods of assessing thecompetitiveness of the methodologies for measuring sustainability, considering theindicators of sustainable land development (municipality in which the arrangement isinserted) and the social and environmental responsibility (CSR). To meet this goalwas taken based on the following premise: that the APL to be sustainable, must becompetitive and at the same time, provide adequate social and environmentalpractices, as evidenced by local sustainability. The relevance of this study is toincorporate the analysis of the variable local productive land sustainability as aprecondition to the local arrangement and sustainability of economic activity. Byapplying this methodology, it is expected to provide managers with a set ofinformation and support for the preparation of local development policies and tobusiness, guidance for the definition of competitive strategies, with reference to thescope for promoting sustainable production arrangements and regions a lasting,without compromising the diverse resources of the locality.