Brazilian Amazon Deforestation and land governance
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Date of publication
February 2015
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This article ́s aim is to show that the main cause of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest is the lack of land governance. The deforestation occurs manly because property rights are not clearly establish, and occurs on land ruled directly or indirectly related to the state. After making a literature review on the Amazon region deforestation causes it will show, with data from PRODES (published by IMAZON, IPAN and ISA), on deforestation for the Amazon region and for the states revealing the main landowners types in which deforestation occurs more frequently. With this data the article will show that most of the deforestation happens in land under different types of state control, making more evident that the need of land governance for the diminishing of the deforestation should start with state controlled land.
The concluding section will, start remarking that only with a more efficient land governance for the country, particularly for the Amazon region will make it possible to reduce the deforestation. Besides that the conclusions will show other important contributions that the participatory Land Governance will have on the better use of land, on the control of land ownership, manly trough the charging of land taxes.