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Library Land Management Practices and Their Effects on Food Crop Yields in Ghana

Land Management Practices and Their Effects on Food Crop Yields in Ghana

Land Management Practices and Their Effects on Food Crop Yields in Ghana

Resource information

Date of publication
September 2010
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Agricultural land use and the management of agricultural lands in Ghana as evidenced fromfarmer practices have been analysed using descriptive and regression analysis. The analysisshows that different land management practices affect crop yields differently in the differentecological zones. Also, the types of land management practices farmers use differ across thedifferent ecological zones. The policy implication is that agricultural interventions should bedeveloped on the basis of agro-ecological zones, and blanket crop improvement packagesshould be avoided. The recommended policy action is that food crop farmers should behelped to improve the management of their agricultural lands by ecological zones at twolevels. First, the practices that are common and promote agricultural production in each zoneshould be targeted for improvement. Such a policy will re-orient farmers towards theadoption of more sustainable farm practices. Second, land management practices that are notcurrently being used by farmers in each zone but have potential to improve crop productionshould be identified and promoted in the respective agro-ecological zones. A pro-activepolicy of this kind will provide farmers better land use alternatives in each ecological zone.

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Asuming-Brempong, Samuel

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