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Achieving regional and national goals of renewable energy production will depend on sufficient supply of biomass from private forests, the majority of which are controlled by non-industrial private forest landowners (NIPF). Considering the diversity in management objectives and changing demographic dynamics in this ownership group, it is important to understand the characteristics of landowners that may supply woody biomass. This study developed linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and classification tree (CT) models to examine the characteristics and motivation of such NIPF landowners. Thirteen combinations of CT variable selection and split-point selection models were used in conjunction with LDA. The “importance of income” from a woody biomass harvest was the most important factor influencing NIPF landowners’ decisions in supplying woody biomass. Another significant interrelated variable was “farmer or non-farmer” forestland ownership, which was also related with “years of residency”, “availability of a multi-management plan,” and “ownership of multi-tracts of land.” CT models provided higher-level explanatory information when compared with LDA models. Study findings provide useful insight for land managers, wood procurement managers, and policy-makers in identifying the landowner groups with interest in biomass supply, and in understanding the factors influencing their decisions.