Resource information
66 pp. Includes maps, charts and tables. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Published September 1999. Captured December 30, 2005.
Regional center planning was based ontransportation and development capabilityand the area’s capacity to absorb thefollowing minimum targets within 20years: total employment: 9,804 jobs; retail/service: 1,188 jobs; office: 8,436 jobs; housing: 1,500 units; residents: 2,530 people....The Task Force also consideredlands which should be preserved in their natural orenhanced state, such as wetlands, stream corridors andflood plains. Opportunities for development on vacantland, infillon under-utilizedpropertiessuch as surfaceparking lots,and redevelopmentpossibilitieswere alsoconsidered. [From the Plan]
This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a jointprogram of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation andDevelopment. This TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, localgovernment, and State of Oregon funds.... Additional funding was provided by Metro and the City of Tigard.