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Training Resources & Tools

This category includes resources on different types of tools and strategies to address land governance issues as well as training packages. Documents that support actors working on land-related organizations are also included in this category. This category is more specific and directly action-focused than the Manuals and Guidelines category.

Guía para mujeres rurales en el acceso a la justicia y a la tierra

Training Resources & Tools
January, 2020

La pertinencia de esta Guía procede de los diagnósticos previamente realizados. En ellos se identificó que las mujeres rurales experimentan distintos obstáculos para acceder a la justicia y a la tierra, como la discriminación estructural, el desconocimiento general acerca de sus derechos sobre la tierra y sobre temas relacionados con situaciones de violencia de género. También se identificó que las mujeres tienen necesidad de obtener información sobre cómo acceder a la justicia para poder hacer efectivos sus derechos.

Land Capacity Building Guide - Focusing on private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
March, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed at eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. Within this special initiative, RELAPU is part of the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy currently implemented in eight countries.

Training Handbook for Land Governance Practitioners on Private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
March, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Knowledge of policies on land governance not only improves the way issues pertaining to land rights are handled; but also minimises waste of time and money lost on land conflict.

This Training Manual is a practical handbook to be used by trainers on land governance on private Mailo land. It contains several methods and approaches for content delivery carefully crafted to improve understanding and appreciation of the laws governing Mailo land.

Land Conflict Mediation Guide - Focusing on private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
March, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Land in Uganda is a delicate resource that has caused many conflicts over the past years. About 80% of pending court cases in the country relate to land today. Looking at the country’s violent history, a rising population and increasing impact of climate change on agriculture productivity, land rights in Uganda are contested to this day. Land conflicts are either within communities, family structures or between individuals and external players such as investors.

دليل لتحسين حوكمة النظم العقارية الرعوية في موريتانيا

Training Resources & Tools
September, 2021

هذا الدليل التوضيحي المبين بالصور هو ثمرة مسار تشاركي شامل لتعزيز قدرات اللجان الجهوية للانتجاع التي ضمت أكثر من تسعين مشاركا (منمون ورعاة وإدارات مركزية ومجالس جهوية وهيئات فنية جهوية ولامركزية تابعة لمختلف القطاعات الوزارية الأساسية ومنظمات غير حكومية على مستوى الولايات الرعوية)


Land Matrix

Training Resources & Tools
January, 2009
Latin America and the Caribbean
Eastern Europe

The Land Matrix is an independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability around large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries across the world. By capturing data on its website, the initiative aims to stimulate debate on the trends and impacts of LSLAs, facilitate wide participation in collecting and sharing data about these deals, and contribute to the growing movement towards open data.

Getting it right from planning to reporting: A guidance tool for women’s land rights data and statistics

Training Resources & Tools
April, 2021

To ensure a better and more sustainable future for all, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (“the 2030 Agenda”) has identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. SDGs range from poverty eradication, zero hunger, decent work and reduced inequalities to quality education, clean water and sanitation, and gender equality, only to name some of them.

Drought and Conflict across the Kenyan-Ethiopian Border

Training Resources & Tools
April, 2015

The Omo-Turkana basin stretches from southern Ethiopia into Kenya. Temperatures in the region are rising and droughts occur with higher frequency and intensity. As Ethiopian pastoralists venture further south in search of water and grazing land, conflicts with Kenyan pastoralists and fishermen are intensifying. Given their trans-boundary and protracted nature, these conflicts pose a particular challenge to local peace building and disarmament efforts.