Se describen ensayos destinados a reducir los costos del establecimiento de pasturas y a la observacion de la distribucion espacial de las especies asociadas. Se sembraron Andropogon gayanus, Desmodium ovalifolium, Stylosanthes capitata y Pueraria phaseoloides en una sabana madura o…
Se identificaron deficiencias nutricionales (principalmente de P y algo de K, Mg, Zn y Mo) en Calopogonium mucumoides. Se aplico 0- 240 kg de P205 como superfosfato triple, roca fosforica Araxa o termofosfato/ha, en Andropogon gayanus y stylosanthes capitata al momento de la siembra. El…
En ensayos de campo efectuados en 1977-79 en CIAT-Quilichao, se establecieron al finalizar 1977, a) 5 especies de gramineas altas y espesas, b) 6 especies de gramineas estolonifgeras semi-erectas, c) 6 especies de gramineas de escasa doiseminacion, d) 6 especies de leguminosas rastreras, e) 6…
En 1977 se inicio la evaluacion de los recursos de tierra para estudiar las regiones de Oxisoles y Ultisoles en America del Sur, con el objeto de ayudar a establecer prioridades tecnicas para el mejoramiento de la tierra. Esta parte del trabajo se completo en 1979, pero el estudio ha sido…
Different nutritional deficiencies or toxicities may limit bean development and yield. N and P deficiencies are the most frequent, although deficiency of minor elements and Al/Mn toxicity can reduce yields considerably. Nutritional problems are usually diagnosed by soil and plant tissue analyses…
Efforts to develop cassava technology for the vast areas of acid infertile soils were continued Large-scale germplasm screening in the field was begun in Carimagua for tolerance to low levels of P and acidity and in Quilichao, for tolerance to low levels of P. Various fertilizer trials were used…
Research of the physiology section was centered on identifying the characters associated with high root yields and quality in cassava under stress conditions. Plant reaction to water stress was studied, specifically regarding growth and yields of var. M Mex 59 and M Col 22 with a period of…
Research of the physiology section was centered on identifying the characters associated with high root yields and quality in cassava under stress conditions. Plant reaction to water stress was studied, specifically regarding growth and yields of var. M Mex 59 and M Col 22 with a period of…
Efforts to develop cassava technology for the vast areas of acid infertile soils were continued Large-scale germplasm screening in the field was begun in Carimagua for tolerance to low levels of P and acidity and in Quilichao, for tolerance to low levels of P. Various fertilizer trials were used…
White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, application of…