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Peer-reviewed publication
April 2019

In conflict situations, many people are displaced because of hostility and arms in the area. Displaced people are forced to leave behind their properties, and this in turn interrupts the relationship between people and their land. The emergency period in particular has been identified as a weak…

Institutional & promotional materials
March 2019

Public policy makers from developed and developing countries, at all levels (national, regional, local), have the opportunity to take leadership as FLR financing champions. Even without controlling private capital, they can support resource mobilization in a number of ways This publication…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2019

Ce guide aborde la question de l’enregistrement des droits fonciers, en mettant l’accent sur la création d’un nouveau système pour enregistrer lesdits droits et sur le fait de les enregistrer dans un système pour la première fois. Si des systèmes d’enregistrement existent déjà à travers le monde…

Reports & Research
February 2019

A deeper look at what the results of the 33 wave 1 and 2 countries show about urban land tenure security. This report compliments the Prindex Comparative Report by focusing on a specific aspect of land and tenure insecurity.

Reports & Research
February 2019

This report uses household-level data from 33, mostly developing, countries to analyse perceptions of tenure insecurity among women. We test two hypotheses: (1) that women feel more insecure than men; and (2) that increasing statutory protections for women, for instance by issuing joint named…

Reports & Research
February 2019

Property rights are a cornerstone of economic development and social justice. A fundamental way of understanding the strength of property rights is through citizens' perceptions of them. Yet perceptions of tenure security have never been collected at a global scale.
The lack of global…

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2019

This study examines the effect of land rights on agricultural outcomes in Rwanda. We characterize the effects of land rights from two perspectives. The first one is land rights indicated by the right to sell and guarantee land and the second one is land titling. The agricultural outcomes include…

Journal Articles & Books
February 2019

El Estado y el sector privado requieren la valoración de los derechos de tenencia por una amplia gama de motivos, a menudo fundamentando y sentando las bases de las transacciones, la tributación, la compensación y la contabilidad. Si bien el valor y el proceso de valoración tienen repercusiones…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

This guide is about extending the recording or registration of tenure rights to people who currently are not served by systems to record their rights. It provides practical advice on ways to introduce a new system to record tenure rights and for the recording of rights for the first time by the…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

Esta guía está acompañada por otra guía que se centra en un aspecto distinto del registro de derechos de tenencia: la creación de un sistema nuevo para registrar los derechos de tenencia por primera vez (Mejorar la manera de registrar los derechos de tenencia). Como estas dos guías abarcan…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

The habitat of tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) depends upon climatic conditions, host availability and land cover characteristics. In this paper, the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS), developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

The present study, by the Chief of the Agrarian and Water Law Section of the FAO Legislation Branch, is intended to explore in greater depth the value of legislation to the land use planning process. It is, on the one hand, an exploration of the ways in which legislation serves to provide the…