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Reports & Research
July 2015

Over the last decade, the Government of Rwanda (GoR) has engaged in reforming the land sector through formulation and enactment of an enabling legal framework, establishment of land administration institutions, and land tenure regularization. In 2008, the GoR initiated the Land Tenure…

Reports & Research
July 2015

Rwanda is developing at a remarkably rapid pace, and with that development has come a
multitude of corresponding changes to the orientation and use of land throughout the country.
In light of these changes, law n°18/2007 of 19/04/2007 relating to expropriation in the public

Journal Articles & Books
June 2015

This edition of the journal has set out to explore the theme " Forests and People: Investing in Africa’s Sustainable Future”. The academia, research, development community, civil society and individuals working in the forestry sector and related fields are contributing short articles to…

Journal Articles & Books
June 2015

Ce numéro du journal Nature & Faune aborde le thème central suivant : « Les Forêts et les populations : Investir dans un avenir durable pour l’Afrique ». Il s’agit d’un numéro spécial pour célébrer la toute première édition du Congrès forestier mondial (CFM) en Afrique. Cet évènement…

Journal Articles & Books
June 2015

Securing women land rights through land titling programs is viewed as a potential means for enhancing their tenure security. The expectation is that women may gain greater influence on how to use the land, if they are registered as joint owners. Women are more likely to make decisions that…

June 2015

Law N° 32/2015 of 11/06/2015 Relating to Expropriation in the Public Interest

Policy Papers & Briefs
June 2015

Across equatorial and east Africa, climate change is affecting the frequency, intensity
and variability of regional climate patterns.1 Changes in rainfall patterns, temperatures
and storm intensity are having significant effects on national economies, regional

May 2015

Le présent arrêté détermine les règlements d’urbanisme et de construction au Rwanda. Ce règlement définit notamment la planification urbaine; le Code d’Urbanisme (critères de définition des centres urbains, infrastructures publiques de base, objectifs et prescriptions des développements de…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2015

La version française de l'Outil d'apprentissage sur les mesures d’atténuation appropriées au niveau national (MAAN) dans le secteur agriculture, foresterie et autres affectations des terres (AFAT) se compose d'une série de diapositives en cinq modules pour l'étude…

Legislation & Policies
March 2015

This Law determines procedures relating to expropriation in the public interest

March 2015

The Rwanda Economic Update reports on and synthesizes recent economic developments and places them in a medium-term and global context. It analyzes the implications of these developments and policies for the outlook for Rwanda s economy. Rwanda s economic growth recovered in the first three…

Reports & Research
February 2015

In Africa, land has an emotional and mystical value beyond the economic consideration and
represents the social security and the continuity and independence of a family. In much of rural
Africa, land constitutes the primary source from which millions of people derive their daily…