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Reports & Research
November 2021

En Luchas de alto riesgo: Las mujeres en primera línea en la defensa de la tierra y el territorio<em> </em>se documenta de qué manera las organizaciones campesinas, indígenas y de mujeres que trabajan en el campo del desarrollo rural en Guatemala, Honduras y Colombia, experimentan…

Reports & Research
November 2021

El documento “Situación de las Mujeres Rurales en Honduras” presenta un detallado informe y análisis de la realidad actual en temas de acceso a los recursos productivos desde al análisis documental y desde la percepción misma de las actoras. Una vez abordados los aspectos introductorios en los…

Reports & Research
November 2021

La lucha de las mujeres por el acceso a la tierra es una cuestión de vieja data en la región. Factores históricos, políticos y socioculturales han sido parte de las barreras que han impedido a las mujeres, la tenencia y manejo de la tierra. Pero en las últimas décadas muchas de estas mujeres se…

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021

According to the United Nations (UN) Refugee Agency, there were 79.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide by the end of 2019. Evictions from homes and land are often linked to protracted violent conflict. Land administration (LA) can be a small part of UN peace-building programs…

December 2020

This analysis covers the Major challenges for climate change adaptation for the agriculture sector of Honduras, Including the understanding of the plausible future scenarios and threats and the role of institutional networks and their links with vulnerable spaces.

Peer-reviewed publication
December 2020

An ever-increasing demand for agriculture while conserving biodiversity, maintaining livelihoods, and providing critical ecosystem services is one of the largest challenges for tropical land management across the Central American Isthmus today. Climatic and anthropogenic drivers threaten to…

Peer-reviewed publication
October 2020

Territorial governance is the development strategy that encourages the integration of different actors in the rural environment around common interests. Producer organizations emerge as the appropriate means to unify leadership and consensus to overcome market barriers. These producer networks…

Reports & Research
October 2020

El objetivo de este informe tiene como propósito la identificación de "políticas públicas, marcos jurídicos, protocolos institucionales y otros posibles mechanismos que ofrezcan oportunidades para diseñar estrategias de incidencia para acceso, control y/o propiedad de la tierra para las…

Reports & Research
July 2019

A community’s choice to give, or withhold, their free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) to a project or activity planned to take place on their land is a recognized right of Indigenous peoples under international law. It is also a best practice principle that applies to all communities affected…

Reports & Research
March 2019

Estudio de caso que  visibiliza las estrategias de mujeres de Honduras y Nicaragua para garantizar su acceso a la tierra. Ha sido elaborado por Estrategia para el Acceso Democrático a la Tierra a favor de Pobladores Rurales en situación de pobreza (ENI Nicaragua) en el marco de la Iniciativa…

Reports & Research
February 2019

A deeper look at what the results of the 33 wave 1 and 2 countries show about urban land tenure security. This report compliments the Prindex Comparative Report by focusing on a specific aspect of land and tenure insecurity.

Reports & Research
February 2019

This report uses household-level data from 33, mostly developing, countries to analyse perceptions of tenure insecurity among women. We test two hypotheses: (1) that women feel more insecure than men; and (2) that increasing statutory protections for women, for instance by issuing joint named…