A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
The National Medium-Term Priority Framework (NMTPF) 2011-2015 builds on the experience acquired with NMTPF 20006-2010, which dealt with FAO assistance in a comprehensive way. Its overall goal is to pursue the development of sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry as a contribution to the…
Land Tenure Working Paper 17. This publication identifies and assesses issues related to land governance and provides examples of good governance in the Caribbean subregion. This working paper was done in light of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other…
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 17. Cet article identifie et analyse des questions relatives à la gouvernance des terres et apporte des exemples de bonne gouvernance de la sous-région des Caraïbes. Cette étude a été conduite en vue de l’initiative de la FAO sur les Directives…
Le but principal de ce document est de présenter la situation énergétique actuelle du secteur alimentaire du point de vue de la demande et de l’approvisionnement, et d’identifier les moyens de rendre l’ensemble de la filière agro-alimentaire énergétiquement plus intelligent. Les systèmes agro-…
This regional evaluation is based on discussions and outputs of the consultation meeting of Francophone Africa on the Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources that was held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on 23-25 June 2010. The opinions…
Calibration and validation of simulation models describing herbage growth or feed quality of semi-natural grasslands is a complex task for agronomists without investing effort into botanical surveys. To facilitate such modelling efforts, a limited number of grassland types were identified using…
Land tenure working paper 5. This paper explores trends of good governance of tenure of land and other natural resources in Latin America. It analyzes mechanisms employed and identifies issues to be considered when aiming for responsible governance of tenure of land.
The ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) has been developed over the last decade in response to perceived and actual deficiencies in previous methods of management. The EAF recognizes that fish are only one albeit important part of a much wider ecosystem incorporating an array of physical…
This publication describes the experience of a number of transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union with crafting regulatory frameworks for irrigation water users’ organizations. It also seeks to distil a number of key regulatory requirements. As a result…